The e-shop makes efforts every day for the most substantial service of the company’s customers. Our e-shop is addressed to all internet users who wish to be immediately informed about the products we offer and the possibility of making purchases through the e-shop, after online ordering, always subject to the stock adequacy. The present terms fully comply with the current European and Greek legislation; users acknowledge the company’s right to modify any provisions of the present terms to the extent that such modification would neither affect legally binding obligations of either party nor affect any accomplished situations. Website users acknowledge they have read the present terms, agree with them and undertake to comply with them.
We feel we have the obligation to keep our customers always informed and secured. For this reason, we would like to inform our e-shop customers on the following topics:
• Before entering and browsing our online store, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of our online store.
• Make sure you agree to the following terms and conditions as your further use and browsing implies your explicit and unconditional consent to them.
“Evelyn” has the right to change the initial prices of the products, always according to the official price lists of the companies, at any time of the year without prior notice to its customers.
“Evelyn” reserves the right to change the discount rates on the initial product prices throughout the year and at any time it deems appropriate without prior notice to its customers.
“Evelyn” reserves the right to postpone or not execute an order either due to lack of stock or for reasons related to inability to execute due to workload.
“Evelyn” unilaterally reserves the right not to publish malicious reviews and unjustified criticism.
“Evelyn” is not responsible for any incorrect marking on the availability of goods resulting from failure of the stock information system.
“Evelyn” has as its first and exclusive priority the service of its customers and always tries to satisfy their orders quickly.
“Evelyn” does not allow the completion of purchases whose total value does not exceed 19 € including shipping for reasons of protection of its customers from disproportionate shipping charges.
“Evelyn” has the right to refuse to execute an order on overseas orders if the charge due to volume or destination is disproportionate to the value of the order. It also has the right to change the charge for shipping costs to shipments abroad after relevant consent of the customer.
“Evelyn” produces with its own means the process of photographing a large part of the underwear it distributes. Wanting to protect the intellectual property and labour rights of the models, it digitally signs these photos and reminds that the distribution of these photos for commercial exploitation is an illegal act in accordance with the Law on Digital Signatures of Intellectual Property, European regulation eIDAS 910/2014 / EU 23-7-2014 and laws 2121/93 (Government Gazette A 25) & 2557/97 (Government Gazette A 271)
• The personal data protection policy states that it uses and protects all information provided by the user/customer on this website. Its purpose is the protection of your personal data in accordance with the European Directives on Personal Data and Electronic Communications (EU EC Directive) Regulations 2003 & EU E-Privacy Directive (Cookie Law 2013) & General Data Protection Regulation-GDPR 25/5/2018 .
• The processing of personal data is done in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679) and with the specific national and European legislation for certain areas, with the current Greek legislation for the protection of personal data, as well as for the protection of personal data and privacy in the field of electronic communications (L.3471/2006, as applicable) and the decisions of the Personal Data Protection Authority.
• We inform you that in accordance with the Law 3471/2006 and the EU GDPR regulation (25/5/2018) we keep your commercial personal data in our file encrypted and to which you have universal access in accordance with the regulations. With absolute respect to the Personal Data Protection Authority, the company KAPETANIOU EVANGELIA is limited only to their use for customer service.
• Harmonization with the Personal Data Management Directive – GDPR (25/5/2018):
• “Evelyn” is fully harmonized with the new European Regulation for the Protection of Personal Data (General Data Protection Regulation – 2016/679).
• The directive sets out a complete framework for the proper and protected management of all your personal data and we as a company are fully committed to its implementation.
• You can request the deletion of all the information we have from you, your account, your old orders or your deletion from our newsletters. Your data is protected by a series of European Regulations & Greek Laws mentioned here and in no case are they transferred to third parties.
• We do not have or store any of your card details except your transaction number.
• We have a clear & detailed cookies consent policy.
1. What do we collect?
• Name details, Contact Information & Email Address.
• Demographic Information such as Postal Code.
• Electronic communication cookies – Details in the section Cookies Policy.
2. What do we do with this Information?
• We use them exclusively for the management of your orders and in no case are they transferred to third parties.
• We use them to improve our services through your feedback.
• Periodically with your approval we send you promotional emails (newsletters) with our offers & products
3. How safe are you?
• The online store is committed to its constant effort to follow the most modern security and protection policies of its content. In any case, you can request the immediate deletion of your personal data submitted to us in the past.
4. Links to other websites.
• Our website contains web links to other websites. We are not responsible for the content and data protection policy of these pages.
5. The personal data (names, addresses, etc.) that may be collected, are never disclosed to third parties, unless the specific information is requested by court decision from the competent state bodies.
• The company may use cookies to identify the user. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the terminal of each user, without receiving any information or knowledge of personal files or documents of the user. Cookies are used exclusively to facilitate the user’s access to specific products or services and for statistical purposes in order to determine the areas in which the company’s products or services are popular or for marketing purposes. The company gives users the right to express their opposition to the use of cookies; in such a case the user will not be able to further access such services.
The customer has the right to withdraw the order within 8 days. In other words, he can request the cancellation of his order or its return within 8 days from the day of receipt. In case of return he can request a product replacement or refund within 14 days.